Abortion-vulnerable women have a need for
Delaware County Pregnancy Center now more than ever.
So, now more than ever, we need you and your unfailing support.
-Krystl D. Johnson, Executive Director
More About Us
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”
— Jeremiah 1:5
The Delaware County Pregnancy Center () is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. We are an association of congregations, clergy persons, and laity who are committed to bringing preborn babies to a live birth, inviting their parents to a new life in Christ, and ensuring that our children and families live in safe and loving homes. Having on record a rescue outcome of 1,000 babies between 2000-2019, we look forward to bringing 2,020 preborn babies to a live birth this decade. This plan to double our impact directs a missional course- to save lives through Christ who creates life.
To learn more about how our team of counselors, medical directors, and educators offers hope and life to women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy, please peruse our website.
we praise you
for we are fearfully and wonderfully
made by you!
With hopes of seeing an end to abortion, Delaware County Pregnancy Center takes direct action to support women, men, and families in need, especially those expecting a child. Please join us in prayer for an end to abortion:
For the lives of more than 60 million precious unborn children taken by abortion since 1973,
R: Lord, we ask for forgiveness and pray that there will be a shift in the moral and spiritual atmosphere of our nation.
For the hurting mothers and fathers who have aborted a child or children,
R: We pray that they experience healing and forgiveness and encounter God’s tender love and embrace.
For post-abortive ministries,
R: Lord, we pray that they reach out to the hurting with compassion and grace.
For the innocent children in the womb who are scheduled to be aborted,
R: Rescue them, Lord. May their mothers and fathers have a change of heart and choose life for their children.
For the employees and medical staff at abortion clinics,
R: May they be convinced of the evil of abortion and have the courage to leave the abortion industry.
For all ministries that are involved in the pro-life movement,
R: Unify us, Lord, so that many more may come to recognize the value of every life from conception to natural death.
For elected leaders,
R: May they find the courage to speak out against laws that strike down the rights of unborn babies. We pray that they may desire to work with our centers and our churches to build a culture of life in our communities, our states, and our nation.
For our church leaders,
R: May they effectively teach about the sanctity of all human life, inspiring faith into action so that God’s love will be extended to the unfortunate, the poor, the disenfranchised, the born and the unborn.
Litany Credit
Each day, we seek a fresh movement of the Holy Spirit for the proclamations of preborn and abundant life. Proudly, serving the Delaware Valley, we have created opportunities for men and women to discover their potential to become great parents.
Client Testimonies | New Mom Reflections
The Empty Chair | An Options Counseling Technique
Delaware County Pregnancy Center helped bring 1,000 preborn babies to a live birth in 2010-2019!
Other accomplishments include: 13,000 counseling sessions and parenting classes, 6,550 phone counseling sessions, and an immeasurable amount of clients impacted via adjunct services and offsite programming.
With God’s help, we will bring 2,020 preborn babies to a live birth this decade. We invite you to help us double our impact, serving more families and birthing more babies by:
We invite you to partner with us. For DCPC, the ability to seek, save, and love the unborn and the families that surround them is crucial to rescuing babies from abortion and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Delaware Valley. Unrestricted funds allow us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest. And your donation is 100% tax-deductible.
To make your annual investment or begin your monthly financial partnership,
Other ways to give:
To Mail in or pay through PayPal
You can use online Bill Pay through your personal bank.
Pay through the Venmo App: Our Venmo Name is: _@DCPClifeline_
Send money through CashApp: Our CashApp Handle is: _$DCPClifeline_
For a special reception of closing remarks from the Executive Director,
join us Sunday, April 26th on Facebook at 8:20 pm.